Portland, OR – May, 2009. For Immediate Release: Quixel Research’s newly launched USA Large Area Display Report revealed that in Q1 2009 the LCDTV category has once again surpassed the PDP category in another large screen segment of the residential display market. The well received quarterly report, which tracks and forecasts screen sizes 40” and above for the LCDTV, PDP and MDRPTV categories, finds that while PDP volume in the 55” and above segment was flat from Q4 2008 to Q1 2009 and from Q1 2008 to Q1 2009, the LCDTV category grew 137% Q2Q and almost 500% Y2Y, trumping PDP share for the first time. “The proverbial ‘other shoe’ is about to drop for the PDP category,” comments Tamaryn Pratt, Quixel Research’s principal. “LCDTV manufacturers have long prognosticated that they would overtake even the larger sized PDP segments. With the new LCDTV 55” model entries in the first quarter and increased 65” LCDTV sales on the horizon, we are about to see the LCDTV category further commandeer large screen turf from both PDP and MDRPTV.” Revenues for the LCDTV category 55” and above grew 55% Q2Q and nearly 200% Y2Y, while PDP revenues were down 12% and 20% respectively. MD RPTV unit sales in this segment were down 25% and 9% from Q4 2008 to Q1 2009 and Q1 2008 to Q1 2009, but continued to dominate the 55” and above segments with over half of the volume but just over a third of the value during Q1 2009.
The overall value for the large screen display market was down 24% in Q1 2009, with results of $4.1B compared to Q4 2009 revenues of $5.3B in Q4 2008. Unit shipments were down 22% for the same time period. LCDTV sales accounted for 78% percent of the total market 40” and above in Q1 2009. Overall PDP unit sales were down 48% Q2Q but only 13% Y2Y, the quarterly shortfall was partially due to product shortages of to end of life models. On a positive note, the PDP category showed a 15% increase in sales of 58” models Q2Q.
Quixel Research’s USA Large Area Display Report is current available for purchase. The report tracks and analyses the quarterly results for the LCDTV, PDP and MD RPTV categories and forecasts to 2012. Email info@quixelresearch.com for more information.
About Quixel Research
Quixel Research provides market research services covering the consumer market for advanced TVs. The company details the state of the current market, future trends, and pending technology shifts as well as extensive primary research, providing insights into the opinions and attitudes of consumers.